Compac Quartz
Compac Quartz
COMPAC Technological Quartz is a product composed by 93-95% of pure quartz, one of the finest and durable materials. Only the sapphire, topaz and diamond are hardener than it.
This product composed of natural quartz crystals, pigments and resins is the most beautiful and luxurious product for multiple decorative applications in houses.
COMPAC Technological Quartz for their physical and mechanical characteristics has an extraordinary hardness, resistance to abrasion (scratch) and impacts, no porosity to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria, which helps you to maintain permanent brightness and depth. This is the ideal material for worktops, vanity tops, flooring, tiling and, due to its strength, high traffic surfaces.
This material has high levels of resistance. Technological Quartz is highly resistant to scratching, staining and dirt, as well as water and humidity.
Thanks to its zero porosity, dirt cannot get inside, so no germs can grow.

Certificate for the quartz product range referring to building and construction products according to fire resistance classes, as tested by AFITILICOF, Center for Fire Testing and Research (Association for the Promotion of Research and Fire Safety Technology) pursuant to IMO Resolution A.653 as per IMO FTPC Code Resolution MSC 61 (67).

Greenguard mark This certificate issued by the Greenguard Environmental Institute guarantees that COMPAC products comply with indoor air quality standards covering volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The seals granted are Greenguard Indoor Air Quality Certified and Greenguard Children & Schools Certified, with the latter being one of the strictest standards in the industry.

Contact with Food Certificate COMPAC Technological Quartz products comply with European Regulation CE 1935/2004 for objects intended for contact with food.

NSF Certification NSF Certification, from a recognized non-profit organization in the United States certifying public health, safety and environmental standards, means that COMPAC products are safe and hygienic materials for use in direct contact with food and foodstuffs of all kinds.

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is transforming the way we design, build, maintain and operate our buildings, homes and communities.USGBC is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings.